100% natural colors Etnobotanika® are able to dye your hair to the perfection. They are at the same time the best hair care products, as they give your hair volume, flexibility, silky touch and amazing brilliance. The products nurture and improve the hair structure, which is especially important in the summer/winter due to weather conditions.

These natural colors of body art quality are not only suitable for redheads, as you can combine them with black, brown, chestnut and wheat shades of hair. These products are just made out of leaves of the plants and practically have nothing to do with commercial, chemical hair dyes (they dye the hair in a purely different and healthy process than chemicals on the other hand).

With them, you can completely and perfectly cover gray hair, heal the scalp (henna and hay work also as healing agent) and make sure your hair is getting stronger with the prevention of hair loss  (even in case of hormonal hair loss).

Are you interested in:

– Which combination is to use for the desired color and your hair type?

– How to prepare a mixture?

– What amount of mixture to use for the length of your hair?

– How to apply natural colors to your hair?

– How long do you let them work on the scalp/hair?

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